Our Gardens
Guests are invited to relax and enjoy the unique heritage and working farmland of Dunkes Estate. We’re constantly improving and adding to our gardens creating a colourful, beautiful atmosphere with Lavender being the most prominent. There are a variety of flowers, plants and trees including unique types such as Elderberry. Stay posted for progress on our stunning estate.
How Regreening Works
Agroforestry involves deliberate and systematic integration of trees with crops and livestock, which is central to the sustainable management of land and maintenance of healthy landscapes. Regreening Africa uses proven agroforestry techniques adapted to suit the needs of farmers under varying socio-ecological contexts.
The benefits of agroforestry include:
Increases carbon storage above- and belowground
Slows strong winds and shades heat, boosting crop and grass yields
Tree roots improve the structure of the soil, preventing erosion
Trees are efficient providers of multiple ecosystem services
Trees that fix nitrogen in the soil provide fertiliser for crops
Increases soil’s ability to absorb and retain water
Produces food, fuelwood, fibre, fodder, resins, timber and medicine which boosts incomes, food security and nutrition
Generates more effective conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
There are many definitions of permaculture, some very wide and others very specific. Bill Mollison, the first person who coined the term permaculture in 1978, defined it as follows:
“The conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.”
Just some of the benefits of permaculture:
Reduction in waste
Permaculture can help to mitigate soil pollution
Less air pollution
Less groundwater pollution
Resources can be used quite efficiently
Sustainable agricultural concept
Self-production of energy
Use of renewable energy sources